사회과학대학 2016학년도 제2차 전임교원(외국인) 초빙 공고[Tenure-track appointment in Political Science and International Relations, College of Social
서울대학교 사회과학대학 전임교원(외국인)을 다음과 같이 초빙하고자 합니다.
○ 초빙인원: 전임교원 1명(외국인)
○ 접수기간: 2016.10.10.(월) ∼ 10.21.(금)
자세한 사항은 첨부된 공고문을 참고하시기 바랍니다.
The Department of Political Science and International Relations at Seoul National University is searching for a tenure track position
in either International Relations or Comparative Politics/Area Studies. The position is for foreign nationals (non-Korean citizens)
and open to all ranks. We are particularly interested in a candidate specialized in Europe or Middle East with excellent research
capacity and strong commitment to teaching. Candidates with other interests are also welcomed to apply.
The expected starting date is Spring 2017 or Fall 2017. Upon employment, the individual will teach undergraduate and graduate
courses in English. Teaching load is one class per semester for the first year, and regular teaching load is two per semester
thereafter. Housing subsidy will be available.
Please find the notice(attached above "1. faculty opening") and be sure to send all the required documents via e-mail and by post.
The application due date is Oct 21, 2016.
○ 초빙인원: 전임교원 1명(외국인)
○ 접수기간: 2016.10.10.(월) ∼ 10.21.(금)
자세한 사항은 첨부된 공고문을 참고하시기 바랍니다.
The Department of Political Science and International Relations at Seoul National University is searching for a tenure track position
in either International Relations or Comparative Politics/Area Studies. The position is for foreign nationals (non-Korean citizens)
and open to all ranks. We are particularly interested in a candidate specialized in Europe or Middle East with excellent research
capacity and strong commitment to teaching. Candidates with other interests are also welcomed to apply.
The expected starting date is Spring 2017 or Fall 2017. Upon employment, the individual will teach undergraduate and graduate
courses in English. Teaching load is one class per semester for the first year, and regular teaching load is two per semester
thereafter. Housing subsidy will be available.
Please find the notice(attached above "1. faculty opening") and be sure to send all the required documents via e-mail and by post.
The application due date is Oct 21, 2016.