채용 공고(라쿠텐비키)
회사명 : 라쿠텐 비키
직무: Content Acquisition & Partnership Intern 채용
[ 자격요건 ]
- 원활한 커뮤니케이션이 가능하신 분 (영어, 한국어)
- 비즈니스 영어, 한/영 & 영/한 번역 능숙자 우대
- MS오피스와 G-suite 사용 능숙자 우대
- 꼼꼼한 업무 추진력과 프로젝트 관리 기술이 탁월하신 분
- 멀티태스킹이 가능하며 다양한 변화에 적응이 빠른 분
- Effective communicator in both English and Korean
- Business English, KR->EN, EN->KR translation
- Proficiency in MS Office and G-Suite
- Excellent multitasker thriving in fast-paced environments with strong project management skills
Rakuten is Japan’s leading Internet services company, a largest e-commerce company in Japan, and the third largest e-commerce marketplace worldwide with a combined membership of almost 1.3 billion. Rakuten has 70+ businesses and services spread across 30 countries and regions worldwide, this includes Viber, eBates, Lyft and more, reaching a global audience of nearly 1 billion users. Rakuten is an Ecosystem ofline services, providing a variety of consumer and business-focused services including e-commerce, e-reading, travel, banking, securities, credit card, e-money, portal and media,line marketing and professional sports.
Rakuten Viki is a premier global entertainment streaming site where millions of people discover and consume primetime shows and movies subtitled in more than 200 languages, by our community of fans. With billions of videos viewed and more than 1 billion words translated, Rakuten Viki brings global entertainment to fans everywhere!
We are seeking a focused and ambitious Content Acquisition & Partnership Intern. This person will work with the larger Content Business team in acquiring contents and developing partnership opportunities.
The contract term is 6 months, and the position will begin as soon as possible.
- 콘텐츠 구매 및 파트너쉽 관련 업무 보조
- 파트너사 관리 업무 보조
- 업커밍 콘텐츠 자료 정리 및 검토
- 한국 드라마 대본 & 시놉시스 요약 (한국어, 영어)
- Assistance tasks related to Content Acquisition and Partnership
- Assistance in managing Partners
- Market research for content acquisition to prepare for-air content line-up
- Summarizing Korean drama scripts and synopsis in Korean and English.
채용 시 마감
지원링크 : https://www.superookie.com/jobs/606e625c8b129f6f13839ca6
- 다음 채용 공고(Metlife)
- 이전 채용 공고(틱톡)